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“We consider Asia-Pacific as one of our key growth regions. The growing demand for food alongside with an increase in dairy consumption will fuel both tillage and grassland mechanization.”

Gregor Dietachmayr
Gregor DietachmayrSpeaker of the Executive Board

PÖTTINGER MEX 5 and Forage harvester

MEX high performance flywheel forage chopper. Available as 3-point-mounted or trailed models. Grass pickup or maize header are possible for the best chopping quality in all conditions.

22 – 24 August 2018, BITEC, Bangkok, Thailand

Your Invitation Code: AE0535 – SAVE 30 USD

No charges: no queue

You will be part of the innovators community and early market technology

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Concierge for appointments

Registration is ticket to business day networking event

For more information, please contact:

PÖTTINGER Landtechnik GmbH
Christoph Mauhart