Mr. Amnart Butthongkamwong
| Kubota Solutions Department Manager, SIAM KUBOTA Corporation Co., Ltd.

Mr. Amnart Butthongkamwong has a background in automotive mechanical engineering and having 9 years of hands-on with farmers in Thailand and CLM countries to discover the farmers’ pain points and co-develop products with engineering team to provide agricultural tractors and implements.
Moreover, he has experienced 6 years to integrate the research on both agricultural machinery solutions and agricultural solutions for farmers to achieve high yields and reduce cost in rice, sugarcane, maize and cassava in Thailand and CLM countries.
In Thailand, he has promoted zero burn solutions about 30,000 rais within 3 years in rice and sugarcane for large scale farm in order to reduce contaminated air pollution as PM2.5 by stop burning.
Besides, he is a co-creator in the “Crop Calendars Project” as the standard of crop production in rice, sugarcane, cassava, and maize also. Nowadays, this project was transformed into a digital database in “KAS Crop Calendar Application” or which farmers could be able to apply data on farm.
Currently, Mr. Amnart is performing as KUBOTA Solutions Department Manager under Siam Kubota Corporation, Thailand. He works as a researcher to create and support new solutions on Agricultural at Kubota farm, with the aim of precision farming, circular economy, and maximum revenue concepts, to fulfill better and sustainable life of ASEAN farmers.