Review of the Latest Digital Talk: AGRITECHNICA ASIA digital talks #1

AGRITECHNICA ASIA digital talks #1:
Crop Protection under Pressure: How to Deal with it in Practical Farming?
Wednesday, 14 November 2020 | Time 3-4 PM (ICT) / 10-11 AM (CET)
Review of the Latest Digital Talk

Due to new regulations important pesticides like Paraquat and Glyphosate are intended to be banned.
“Farmers are urgently looking for alternatives” said Dr. Klaus Erdle of the DLG Competence Center
Agriculture, Germany.
The global importance of the topic was proven by listeners from Southeast Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America, who participated in the 1st Digital Talks on October 14th.
Together with additional organizations Dr. Nagavajara Bedinghaus, Executive Director, Thai Agricultural Innovation Trade Association (TAITA), is supporting the government of Thailand “in bringing in the latest technology of crop protection in Thailand and to train the farmers to use it correctly and responsibly”.
At the same time “it is still important to ban very high risk pesticides that are difficult to manage on farm level” stated Dr. Schreinemachers – Lead Scientist of the World Vegetable Center.
As in Germany the discussion on banning Glyphosate is still pending “farmers switch to mechanical weed control” and at the same time “companies are developing a variety of new tools” for a more integrated pest management explained Dr. Rebecka Duecker, Institute of Plant Pathology and Crop Protection Division, University of Goettingen.
“Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is not as easy as using chemical pesticides. However, it is worthwhile and has solved the problems of adverse effects of pesticides” summarized Dr. Nuansri Tayaputch, Expert
Panel on Chemical Review Committee.
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