Dr. Wolfgang Pfeiffer
| Director – Asia, Research & Development, HarvestPlus
Topic: Catalyzing biofortified food systems with partners in supply chain and market development

Dr. Wolfgang H. Pfeiffer, Director – Asia, Research & Development, HarvestPlus
HarvestPlus works with 400+ research and implementation partners to tackle hidden hunger globally by breeding iron, zinc and vitamin A into staple food crops, in building food systems through inclusive, sustainable markets. To date, 200+ biofortified varieties in 30+ countries, reached 40+ million at-risk consumers. An action-oriented agenda scaling biofortification spans the value chain with its multidisciplinary network of expertise. Scaling innovation requires focus on building demand, markets, and supply chains, engaging the public and private sectors to overcome deployment challenges.
Dr. Pfeiffer is a project manager and scientist with 37 years of experience in crop improvement, commercialization, and international agriculture. He has been with HarvestPlus for over 15 years, serving in a variety of capacities, including Global Director of Product Development & Commercialization and Plant Breeding Coordinator. During his time with HarvestPlus, Dr. Pfeiffer has led HarvestPlus through the initial phases of gene discovery, product development, and commercialization, while expanding organizational capacity and building an interdisciplinary global alliance of research and implementation partners.