Lysette Lacambra
Technical Specialist, East-West Seed Knowledge Transfer
Topic: A Practical Approach to Training Farmers – What Works and What Does Not:
Perspectives from East-West Seed Knowledge Transfer
(Fruits & Vegetables)
Date: 23 August 2018
Time: 11.30-12.00 hrs.
Venue: DLG Forum, Hall EH98

Lysette has been working extensively with farmers for over 13 years, focused on knowledge transfer and training approaches that enable smallholders to be more productive and successful.
In her current role at East-West Seed Knowledge Transfer (KT), she takes on a group-level role to strengthen the capacity of KT teams across 9 countries and to develop technical materials aimed at enhancing the skills and knowledge of smallholder farmers.
She has a Masters degree in Plant Sciences Plant Pathology and Entomology from Wageningen University.