Dr. Bob Martin
Australian Agricultural Scientist
- Topic: Precision Farming in the Asian Context
Date: 22 August 2018
Time: 11.00-14.30 hrs.
Room: Agrifuture Forum, Hall 98
- Topic: Best-Practice Rice Production in NW Cambodia
Date: 23 August 2018
Time: 10.30-11.00 hrs.
Room: Agrifuture Forum, Hall 98

Bob is an Australian agricultural scientist who graduated from the University of Sydney in 1968. His early career was in weed science and weed ecology before moving to agricultural systems. He was part of a team that pioneered no-tillage cropping systems in NE Australia in the 1980s. Bob has worked in Cambodia for 15 years on sustainable intensification of cropping systems. In Cambodia, his current focus is on rice: transitioning from hand broadcasting to machine planting and site-specific nutrient management.