Edo Lin
- Topic: Precision Farming in the Asian Context
Date: 22 August 2018
Time: 11.30-14.00 hrs.
Room: Agrifuture Forum, Hall 98
- Topic: Low Cost Direct Rice Seeder – ELI Seeder
Date: 23 August 2018
Time: 11.30-12.00 hrs.
Room: Agrifuture Forum, Hall 98

Mr. Edo Lin is a Dutch National with more than 40 years of experience in the private and public sector engaged in agriculture. His particular expertise is in the seed business where he represented multinational seed companies in West and Eastern Europe.
In Cambodia, Mr. Lin works in the Cambodia Agricultural Value Chain Programme (CAVAC), an Australian funded project.
His particular interest is the introduction of climate change mitigating technologies such as direct seeding of rice and the development and introduction of climate resilient rice varieties. CAVAC also assists the RGC in the development of the National Seed Policy and the National Rice policy.